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Me: ILIA!!!!!!!!

She turns in, with a frightened face. Her face looks pale, she has a odd eye on her forehead. I leap down to her.

Me: You bitch! Why would you do this?

Ilia: Eheheheheheeheeeheee! I am not what you think, dear. I am an assassin to tell the truth. I've been plotting to kill you ever since we met. I soon took advantage of you, getting all perks off a celeb at my home island. " Oh my god, your boyfriend is Relyt!?! Blah Blah! Your so cool. Blah Blah " I loved it. I became furious when you killed my pet. And I was the to actually kill Ceila. I also put a spell on you to make you fall deep in love with Malon! It tore you up. I never managed to finish the job, but today is my lucky day. I have you vulnerable with no weapons. Also, I have your strongest weapon as well. I learned how to use all those times you showed it off, I can kill you with it!

Me: Never. My blade only follows my commands. It would never function right for you. All those things I did with it, you would never be able to use. Watch now! Kiyadet!

My four sword returns to me.

Ilia: What? No matter, I will kill you with mine!

Darkness forms around her and swallows her up. She then reappears into a dark mistress princess robe. With a spider like sword.

I pull both my blades out and run at her. Just as we are about to collide, a man appears. Using his hands, he froze me and her.

Ilia: Ah, you came sir! Good.

???: Yes, indeed. You took to long to kill him. I have decided you are no longer of use to me, back to the dark world with you.

He said that with a cold, dark, evil voice.

Ilia: NO!!!!

She then explodes.

???: Well. Relyt, my boy, you have grew up so well. Come to your father!

<< Chapter 7| |Chapter 9>>
